Matt Combs shows his mother his accomodations for the week at Camp Potomac. We had two beds to a tent. Each tent had a wooden floor. It was nice for a week of camping.
We camped there during the week which included 7/7/77. I remember we had a long and lively conversation about the significance of the date. We then tried to find other occurences of 7. Of course we were Troop 7.
Matt Combs shows his mother the First Class rank he is shooting for. I see my C&O Canal patch on my right pocket, and my trusty scout knife, and leather pouch made at Camp.
Here I am posing for a photo on the Camp Potomac obstacle course. Dig those red converse tennis shoes (from Super Shoes on Rt. 36). I have on the Troop 7 Blue Neckerchief which was issued one per life per scout. Good times!