Saturday, May 10, 2008

Camp Toquam (Goshen, CT)

Name: Camp Toquam

Council: Alfred W. Dater Council (now Connecticut Yankee Council)

Location: Goshen, Connecticut


Patch Available to Purchase: No, sold on 5/10/2008


Anonymous said...

I'll never forget my first stay at Camp Toquam in the summer of 1969. Sunday night, the very first day we got there, Apollo 11 landed on the moon. My troop was at the waterfront listening to a radio transmission that was put onto the camps' speaker system. I was in the water, hanging onto the "gangplank" when Armstrong uttered those famous words....."Houston...tranquility base here...the eagle has landed."
Later on after dinner they brought us all back into the chow hall where at least a 200 kids crowded around a small 19 inch black and white TV-set to watch the first moonwalk.
But, alas, it was not to least as far as us seeing it was concerned. Something happened, there were delays, and they didn't come out of the luner lander until almost midnight. The camp director sent us all back to our camp sites to go to bed. We were all disappointed......but we knew the historical significance of what was going on, and I don't think there is one of us that will ever forget where we were when that happened......all these 42 years later.

Anonymous said...

NASA faked the moon landing

Derek said...

Derek Gore here. The below pics are me at 15 as a camp CIT I lived in Stamford. Our Scoutmaster Ed Iacovo who is above me (Blue Circle) one row and three to the left next to the nurse.


Here is my first photo in scouts age 12: [IMG][/IMG]

Derek said...

Sorry the images of Toquam staff won't show here. Admin a little help?

Anonymous said...

I was a Boy Scout and will never forget my summer at the camp. 1955. It was good training for later on in the Marines